First Time Here? Welcome!

“Change Your Life, One Posture At A Time”
Every class is a beginner’s class, so all are welcome! Our teachers at Hot Yoga Houston are trained to teach anyone, from challenging regular practitioners to encouraging beginning students, with compassion and respect.
For optimal results, a minimum of 10 classes in the first 30 days is suggested – you will love the way you feel and a regular yoga practice will change your life in so many ways!
The best hot yoga studio in Houston
First-Time Students Get Started Today!
2-Weeks Unlimited Intro: $39
• Access to all in-studio & online classes
• Must be a Houston resident & provide ID
Vising from out of town?
Click here!
Tips & Suggestions for a great class!
Please arrive 20 minutes before your first class to complete registration, get a tour, and meet your teacher. Each class is designed for beginner to advanced. Please note, since all class sizes are limited, pre-registration is required to guarantee your spot in class.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day before taking class. Half your body weight in ounces of water should be consumed at least 45 minutes before class begins.

Try each posture to the best of your ability, but always listen to your body. Your goal is to stay in the room the entire class but take breaks if needed!

Dress in loose, cool, comfortable clothes, such as running or biking shorts. Women can wear sports bras or fitted tank tops.

Bring a yoga mat, large towel and water to class. These items are available for purchase at the studio as well.

For best results a minimum of 10 classes in 30 days is required.

Our teachers will guide you with compassion and are here to assist you on your journey. For each students highest good, those who arrive after class has begun will not be admitted to class. Classes begin and end promptly on time, so you must be on time.
Changing lives, one posture at a time!
Faith • Discipline • Determination
Concentration • Patience

“The staff is incredibly friendly, and you have fantastic teachers. But what stands out even more is the friendly community of people who belong to this yoga center. I feel so welcomed. This is such a new experience for me in all my travel adventures – to right away have new people chatting and including a new person with their experience. Thank you for creating a place with such warmth in heart and warmth for a healthy body.“
– Pita S.
First-Time Students Get Started Today!
2-Weeks Unlimited Intro: $39
• Access to all in-studio & online classes
• Must be a Houston resident & provide ID
Vising from out of town?
Click here!
What is Hot Yoga?
Our Original Hot Yoga is a series of 26 yoga postures and two breathing exercises taught in 60 and 90-minute classes. Each pose is a challenge based on personal abilities. The postures are done in the safe environment of a heated room so that deep penetration can relieve the body’s resistance without the risk of injury. This original hot yoga has been widely featured in the press for many years, renowned for its miraculous healing ability.
By the end of class, you will have worked every muscle, tendon, joint, ligament, internal organ and gland while systematically delivering oxygenated blood to 100% of your body. The result is restoration of health to all body systems. As you increase your strength, flexibility, and balance, you will eliminate the many effects of stress created by a fast-paced lifestyle. You will also experience a deep sense of calm and long-lasting peace of mind.


Before Class
- Always sign in at the front desk.
- Leave mobile phones (on silent) with personal belongings in the lobby or designated areas away from your mat in the yoga room.
- Make the teacher aware of any injuries or concerns that may affect your practice.
- Enter the room quietly as many students use this time to meditate before class begins.
- First-time students should arrive 20 minutes before class begins for registration.

During Class
- Your goal is to stay in the room for the entire class. If an emergency requires you to leave, please re-enter between postures.
- Bring water only to class. The teacher will announce designated water breaks.
- Practice stillness between postures & focus on only yourself in the mirror.
- Honor the silence of the room by moving quietly and not talking.

After Class
- Continue to observe silence after final savasana.
- Leave the room quietly out of respect for others.
- Enjoy the benefits you’ve gained from class. Remember consistency of practice is recommended, so make up your mind to come back tomorrow!
First-Time Students Get Started Today!
2-Weeks Unlimited Intro: $39
• Access to all in-studio & online classes
• Must be a Houston resident & provide ID
Vising from out of town?
Click here!
Still have questions? Reach out to us!
Call 713-664-5333
Email support@hotyogahouston.com
Text 713-766-6432